English Vocabulary Test 25 Questions to test your English Vocabulary *Correct answers will be displayed at the end of the test Click the Next button to start... 1. My sister’s son is my………… cousin nephew niece son-in-law2. Animals like dogs and cats which people keep at home are called …… house animals siblings pets farm animals3. Which word also means ‘a present’? gift toy document luxury4. What is another word for ‘work’? Log Post Done Job5. If you have had a good day and feel good, you are ….. depressed sad happy tired6. Where do you go if you are very sick or have hurt yourself? The hospital The vet The circus The church7. When you go from one side of the street to the other, you walk ……. the street. beside across in at8. When someone is very nice to look at they are …. ugly tall fat beautiful9. What does ‘opposite’ mean? Completely different The same Normal Usual10. When someone says something funny, you …... cry frown eat laugh11. Which word means the same as ‘stress’? Run Worry Drink Hate12. I never went to secondary school, so I want my son to get a good …….. intelligence intelligent education school13. People in some countries often die from ……. that don’t exist in other countries. diseases plants clothing sick14. What does ‘forget’ mean? Not remember Bring Raise Not see15. In Sweden, they have a …….. where they celebrate the longest day of the year by picking flowers and sleeping with them under their pillow. culture tradition thing habit16. Which word is a synonym for ‘environment’? Pollution Area Surroundings Town17. I want to speak to you about the ……… the other day, has anything like that happened in the past? event incident happening behavior18. Which of these words means ‘very large’? Miniscule Obese Enormous Majority19. Which of these words is similar to ‘negotiate’? Discuss Find Uncover Land20. I could never have …….. what happened next! decided considered deleted predicted21. An area of land which is spongy and not suitable for farming is called a ……….. swan lake stream swamp22. What is another word for ‘God’ or ‘Creator’? Celeste Foundation Deity Decider23. I have a few …….about this plan. It doesn’t seem like you have thought it through very thoroughly. problems qualms misfortunes quintets24. Which of the following words means ‘an independent or non-conformist person’? Adolescent Penchant Maverick Scapegoat25. He’s such a ……….. He does a lot of sport and excels at football, but he isn’t very clever. jock swat sporty nerdFinished! To see your results please enter your Name and Email below *By entering your details you are subscribing to Absolute English. Sometimes we will send you an email with some tips to improve your English. Name Email RELATED POSTS How to succeed in the IELTS Speaking Test part 3by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 Tips and Topics for the IELTS Speaking Test part 2: the ‘Long Turn’by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 Everything you need to know to prepare for the IELTS Speaking Test Part 1by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 What is IELTS? An introduction to the most popular English Testby Absolute EnglishJune 21, 2018 Business English Vocabulary Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 English Idioms Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 Adjectives and Adverbs Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 25 Essential Business English Vocabulary Words You Need to Knowby Absolute EnglishJune 12, 2018 10 Common Business English Idioms you can start using today!by Absolute EnglishJune 11, 2018 An English teacher’s 7 tips to improve your English listening skills.by Absolute EnglishJune 11, 2018 PrevNext