Adjectives and Adverbs Test 25 Questions on Adjectives & Adverbs in English *Correct answers will be displayed at the end of the test Click the Next button to start... 1. Mary talks to everyone. She is a ………….. person young friendly smart busy2. The meal in the restaurant was not expensive. It was ……. ok price under-expensive cheap so expensive3. Her hair is so ………….. that it takes an hour to dry. black long blonde thin4. His eyes are so ………….. that they are almost black! dark short blonde thin5. The test was very ………….. All of the students got 100%. hard soft easy loud6. She runs very ………….. fast fastly faster easy7. What is the opposite of 'soft'? Difficult Hard Spikey Uncomfortable8. He works very ………….. hardly hard difficult easy9. He always thinks about the bad things that might happen. He is always …….. cheerful easy bored worried10. Which word means the same as ‘miserable’? Happy Sad Quickly Correct11. Sam is not very thin. Actually, he is a little ………….. chubby tough invisible slim12. The dog has lots of hair. It is very ……….. fuzzy fluffy soft gentle13. Erica looks taller today. Her shoes must be ……….. high height-assisting higher high-heeled14. He was late for work again today and then he sat on his phone all afternoon. He …...… does anything! ever only hardly often15. She didn’t even cry when she got her ears pierced. She’s very ……... for someone so young! rough lazy bright tough16. There were lots of unexpected sounds and lights at the concert. It was very………. excited experienced exciting bright17. I don’t feel very …...… today. well good fun funny18. This show is very slow and nothing happens. It is not very ……... interested interesting interestingly excited19. Which word means ‘to do something violently, energetically and/or passionately’? Kindly Furious Shockingly Furiously20. A synonym of ‘courageous’ is……….. shy brave strong weak21. Which word means ‘in the end’? Ultimately Initially Longingly Last22. Everyone loves John! He is so ………. calm snobbish amiable affectionately23. I can’t believe that she fell over again. She is so………! dull boring clueless clumsy24. I can’t recall the last time I went there. I ……... go to restaurants anymore. often seldom frequently do25. Which of these words means ‘exceedingly’? Quite Abruptly Phenomenally ArchetypalFinished! To see your results please enter your Name and Email below *By entering your details you are subscribing to Absolute English. Sometimes we will send you an email with some tips to improve your English. Name Email RELATED POSTS How to succeed in the IELTS Speaking Test part 3by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 Tips and Topics for the IELTS Speaking Test part 2: the ‘Long Turn’by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 Everything you need to know to prepare for the IELTS Speaking Test Part 1by Absolute EnglishSeptember 11, 2018 What is IELTS? An introduction to the most popular English Testby Absolute EnglishJune 21, 2018 Business English Vocabulary Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 English Idioms Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 English Vocabulary Testby Absolute EnglishJune 19, 2018 25 Essential Business English Vocabulary Words You Need to Knowby Absolute EnglishJune 12, 2018 10 Common Business English Idioms you can start using today!by Absolute EnglishJune 11, 2018 An English teacher’s 7 tips to improve your English listening Absolute EnglishJune 11, 2018 PrevNext